Greg H

My story is interesting because it’s a short-term story. It has been just over a year since Dr. Crovetti replaced my hip after I had endured pain for a couple of years. I’m a very active person and the activities that I enjoyed doing were very limited due to the severe pain. I couldn’t ski. I couldn’t exercise. I couldn’t run. I couldn’t even run my dogs.

I sought out many different remedies, one of which was steroid injections. I wanted to try and do everything I could to avoid surgery, because like everyone else I didn’t want to go through the rehab and everything else afterwards. So I went through the whole process and it didn’t work.

My physician then referred me to Dr. Crovetti and said, “You need to go see him and see what he can do. He’s the best in town.” Frankly, I’ve been a little leery in the past of the medical profession here in Las Vegas. But after doing a little research, I thought – this fellow checks out good so I’m going to go see him.

He laid out his program and I distinctly remember, because it was only one year and four weeks long. I said to him, ‘I would really like to do this surgery. You’ve laid it out and everything you’ve said is very impressive …can we do it within a week?” And within a week I was back for my surgery.

After the surgery, I spent a couple of nights in the recovery suites and it was better than being at home! After nine days, I was walking without a cane or a walker and was back to work in 11 days. The experience was phenomenal.

The care, the food and overall experience were far better than any hospital that I’ve visited in the past and the Surgical Center here is very well done. Another thing is Dr. Crovetti’s exceptional staff. Typically doctors, through my experience, are not the best with their personnel. They might be good doctors, but the quality of their staff is a little lacking. The team here, that Dr. Crovetti has assembled, is first rate from top to bottom. I really endorse and recommend him!