
Prior to surgery, I had a lot of trouble tying my shoes, bending over to pick things up on the floor and things like that. I’ll be the first to admit I was a little hesitant about getting a hip replacement because I thought it would impede my ability to play sports and travel with my wife.

Just a little over 60 days ago, I had my hip replacement surgery from Dr. Crovetti and it couldn’t have come out better. I’m elated with the results! After the surgery, the pain I had been experiencing in my groin area and lower back had gone away. Dr. Crovetti and his staff had me walking four hours following the surgery and 28 hours after, I was walking three flights of stairs!

Where I thought things would deteriorate with me playing sports and traveling, it’s been just the opposite. I’m able to go out know and play 4-6 games on a weekend with no problems or residual effects. I’m back to the way I was in my early fifties!

I can’t say enough good things about the surgery. It went very well and I haven’t had any setbacks at all!